FCC Can Do More To Close Homework Gap Amid Coronavirus.

On April 23rd, join Axios for a live, virtual event on COVID-19's impact on education. We will unpack how the homework gap manifests in middle America and nationally, looking at communities and the creative solutions surfacing across the nation.

The Education Puzzle: COVID-19 Widens The Homework Gap.

The Homework Gap. The homework gap occurs when students are assigned homework requiring access to the internet but don’t have home access. Nationally, 70 percent of teachers assign homework that requires broadband access, but only 33 percent of students have access at home.Doing so would modernize the Lifeline program - and also help address the Homework Gap. The Homework Gap is the cruelest part of the digital divide. But it is within our power to bridge it, help kids get their schoolwork done and expand Internet access. We should go for it. JESSICA ROSEN WORCEL ISA MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION.The homework gap impacts students in both rural and urban areas and disproportionately impacts lower-income students and students of color. In order to address this issue, and to better provide students with the opportunity to succeed, Senator Van Hollen’s legislation would direct revenue from the upcoming FCC C-band spectrum auction to create a Homework Gap Trust Fund to pay for priorities.

The homework gap refers to the divide between students who have home broadband access and those who do not. Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel of the Federal Communications Commission, who coined the term “homework gap,” has described this as the “cruelest part of the digital divide,” because if students don’t have access to broadband at home, teachers in lower-income schools are less.To close this gap, schools and districts have developed creative ways to provide students with internet access beyond school hours. For example, Coachella Valley Unified School District in California added Wi-Fi routers and solar panels to school buses parked in trailer parks and nearby reservations where students live so that students stay connected and complete their homework. Meanwhile.

The Homework Gap

The Homework Gap: Teacher Perspectives on Closing the Digital Divide. The homework gap refers to the divide between students who have home broadband access and those who do not. It is also an indicator of whether or not a student will be able to complete their homework and succeed in school alongside their internet-connected peers. To better understand how this gap persists today, Common Sense.

The Homework Gap

The Homework Gap is a problem for these students. But it's a problem for all of us, because this gap harms our shared economic future. When students lack access to online resources at home, teachers shy away from integrating technology into their teaching.

The Homework Gap

But the homework gap can exist even in households that do have Internet service, according to Sarah Trimble-Oliver, the chief information officer for Cincinnati Public Schools. A couple of years ago, that district surveyed its students to ask if they had Internet at home, and 75 percent of students answered yes. However, Trimble-Oliver soon discovered that they hadn't asked the right question.

The Homework Gap

Research has shown that the homework gap affects students in both rural and urban areas and disproportionately affects lower-income students and students of color. Students without internet access at home consistently score lower in reading, math, and science. Without Congressional action, this existing inequity will only be exacerbated by the high number of schools that are suspending in.

The Homework Gap

And the homework gap in many ways mirrors broader educational barriers for poor and minority students. Students without internet service at home are more likely to be those of color, from low.

Some U.S. students lack home internet or computer for.

The Homework Gap

Seventy percent of teachers assign homework requiring access to broadband. 30 percent of school districts in the U.S. have technology as part of their curriculum. Yet, one out of three students do not have Internet at home and are caught in this “Homework Gap.” Students leave school and cannot do homework, research projects or collaborate with teachers or classmates online. Without.

The Homework Gap

And the homework gap in many ways mirrors broader educational barriers for poor and minority students. Students without internet at home are more likely to be students of color, from low-income.

The Homework Gap

Lack of home Internet access for school children is an all-too common problem, one that the FCC has referred to as “the homework gap.” Today, American schools are investing billions of dollars.

The Homework Gap

Closing the homework gap is challenging, but here are five steps school leaders can take to help students stay connected. Schools are facing new challenges now that most learning involves the web—chiefly, the ability to do work at home or anywhere away from school grounds. While many are looking for ways to provide all students with a device, just having the device does not mean equitable.

The Homework Gap

Other ideas to bridge the homework gap included establishing Wi-Fi “hot spots” on school buses to allow students to do homework there. Palmyra, just east of Lincoln, has a brand-new high.

Closing the Gap - Time for Kids.

The Homework Gap

The median gender gap was 1.2 years in 1960, and it only reduced by a third over the next fifty years to 0.8 years. Women are much more educated today than we were, but we are still quite a lot less educated than men. Fact 2: Gender gaps rarely persist in educated countries. Some welcome news is that countries where men are highly educated and women are not highly educated are rare. To examine.

The Homework Gap

The “homework gap” I’m referring to is the estimated 12 million children in this country who have difficulty completing routine homework assignments and other projects online because they lack reliable home internet access. It’s hard to know how many students fall into that gap here, but it appears to be a significant percentage of our dwindling school-age population. The county Office.

The Homework Gap

The Homework Gap

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